EBAD 4000 electronic control unit
The EBAD 4000 electronic control unit serves the control of Raziol lubrication systems (lubricating points, roller lubricators, spray nozzles, spray sectors).
It allows a permanent lubrication relative to respective feed, as well as separate dosing for various lubricating points.
- Actuation of valves respective to the machine cycle possible
- Switching behaviour of the valves is determined via a cycle counter switch, configurable delay time and an adjustable lubrication interval
- Actuation of automatic refilling for uninterrupted production
- Machine stop signal, for example due to a deficiency in medium reserve
Application possabilities
- For roller lubricators and/or spray nozzles, lubricating points (actuation and separate dosing from four separate power circuits)
- For roller lubricators or sector lubrication systems (actuation and separate dosing for 8 roller lubricators or roller lubricator sectors)
- For spray nozzles, lubricating points, spray systems (actuation unit and dosing from 16 spray nozzles, lubricating points or spray sectors)